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Founded in 2013, oToBrite is a leading vision-AI, ADAS and autonomous driving solutions provider. Based in Hsinchu Science Park, oToBrite has an IATF 16949 certified clean room factory and many years of experience as an automotive Tier-1 supplier. Through comprehensive research and development capabilities, oToBrite provides vision-AI algorithms, ECU/domain controllers and automotive-grade/special-purpose camera products.

Basic Information

Company Name oToBrite Electronics, Inc.
Company Address 300 Hsinchu CityEast District6F., No. 18, Zhanye 2nd Rd. 
Industry Category IoT Related/Smart Mobility 
Date of Establishment 2013
Number of Employees 150
Amount of Capital NT$ 384,590,000

Summary of Capability

Service Mode
ADAS system AI IP Camera designproduction
Main Products Front ADAS System Autonomous Driving Camera Auto Parking System Automatic driving data collection system
Development of Technology AI deep learning technology system softwarehardware integration Camera designproduction  
International Recognition IATF 16949  