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Vision Automobile Electronics Industrial Co., Ltd.-logo


VISION, established in 1984,Vision is specialized in the design integration, manufacturing sensors, RF, and Net Com in internet web. Its’ strength is not limited to fully technical support, R & D, manufacturing, testing, and certifications. In addition, Vision is one of leaders in the industry. It excels in both automotive electronics and smart home devices. To satisfy the need of customers is Vision’s goal. To provide customers with convenience, safety, peace of mind, and unique quality is the policy of Vision.

Basic Information

Company Name Vision Automobile Electronics Industrial Co., Ltd.
Company Address 709 Tainan CityAnnan DistrictNo. 78, Gongye 3rd Rd. 
Industry Category IoT Related/Smart Mobility 
Date of Establishment 1984
Number of Employees 258
Amount of Capital NT$ 265,000,000

Summary of Capability

Service Mode OEM ODM
Main Products Air Quality Sensor Automotive Electronics Smart Home Solution
Development of Technology Ultrasonic sensor system  
International Recognition ISO9001:2015 IATF16949:2016 ISO14001:2015 ISO26262  