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Techman Robot is a leading collaborative robot and AI vision technologies company, dedicated to improving the world of work for businesses and their people through (robotic) technology applications.

Basic Information

Company Address 333 Taoyuan CityGuishan District5F., No. 58-2, Huaya 2nd Rd. 
Industry Category IoT Related/Other Solutions 
Date of Establishment 2016
Number of Employees 400
Amount of Capital NT$ 900,000,000

Summary of Capability

Service Mode
OBM (original brand manufacturer)
Main Products Smart path planning application. No user guidancemanual task handling is necessary. The system is designed to intelligently manage various scenarios, autonomously completing path planningexecuting movements.
Development of Technology Smart path planning application. No user guidancemanual task handling is necessary. The system is designed to intelligently manage various scenarios autonomously completing path planningexecuting movements.  
International Recognition TÜV、ISO 10218-1、UL、 CSA、 CE  