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ITE technology is a fab-less leading IC design company at the forefront of semiconductor innovation. We specialize in cutting-edge research, development, and design of crucial components for modern electronics: 1. Advanced control chips for PCs and notebooks 2. PCIe re-timer and re-driver 3. USB Power Delivery control chips 4. High-speed interface chips. 5. USB3 Video bridge chips. 6. E-paper control chips 7. Human-machine interface chips. 8. Automotive Instrument Cluster System-on-Chip

Basic Information

Company Name ITE Tech. Inc.
Company Address 308 Hsinchu CountyBaoshan Township3F,No.13, Chuangsin 1st Rd.,Science Park 
Industry Category Semiconductor Related/IC Design 
Date of Establishment 1996
Number of Employees 441
Amount of Capital NT$ 1,611,073,240

Summary of Capability

Service Mode
IC design research developmentsales
Main Products
Development of Technology We are committed to developing high-speed serializer-deserializer (SerDes) productsautomotive head-up display chips.  
International Recognition ITE is certified to ISO9001、 ISO14001&45001,and expects to complete ISO14064-1 certification by the end of July 2025.  