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Tsukuba Technology Co., Ltd.-logo


Tsukuba Technology Co., Ltd. is engaged in the development, manufacturing, and sales of various non-destructive inspection devices.

Basic Information

Company Name Tsukuba Technology Co., Ltd.
Company Address 1-14-11 Sengen, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki 
Industry Category Semiconductor related/Materials & Equipment 
Date of Establishment 2005
Number of Employees 20
Amount of Capital NT$ 4,129,986

Summary of Capability

Service Mode
Development manufacturingsales of laser ultrasound visualization inspection devices Development maxnufacturingsales of small-sized X-ray inspection devices Development manufacturingsales of medical equipmenthealth appliances Development manufacturingsales of small-sized ultrasound C-Scan inspection devices Developmentmanufacturing of radiation measurement-related equipment Development manufacturingsales of image processingimage inspection devices Developmentsales of software Researchdevelopment support inspection services International trade cultural exchange
Main Products
Development of Technology  
International Recognition  